

This section is dedicated to localization of the chat interface in your android app. You can update the text elements, titles and other text pieces used in the chat interface according to the language you prefer.

Chat localization setup

Follow these steps to add locale support in the SDK:

  1. Create the 'Android resource directory' for the locale. For example, create 'values-es' for Spanish locale in your 'res' directory.

  2. Create the string resource file for your locale and place it under the directory you created in the first step. For example, create file strings.xml and place it under 'values-es' directory.

  3. Download and override resource string for your locale from below links. Translate all the strings from the below files to your locale and place it in the strings.xml file.

Example: Change resource string (message) value to Spanish locale:

    <string name="message">Mensajestring>

RTL - Right to Left support

Few languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, and Persian are written from Right to Left. RTL support is necessary to accommodate them. Kommunicate also supports the languages written in the Right to Left direction.

To test the RTL support, change the phone language to Arabic or Hebrew and open the Kommunicate chat/sample app to see the changes.

Last updated

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