CMS Installation

Install on Website builders or Content Management Systems (CMS)

  • Wordpress

  • Squarespace

  • Wix

  • Shopify

  • Weebly

  • GoDaddy

  • Joomla


Step 1: Log in to your website’s WordPress dashboard

Step 2: Navigate to Plugins

From the left navigation panel, click on Plugins. Thereafter, click on Add New

Step 3: Add New Plugin

Navigate to the search bar and search for ‘Insert Header and Footers’. You will see many options on the search result page. Click on the Install Now button for the Insert Headers and Footers plugin. Please make sure you 'Activate' the plugin to make use of it.

From the left navigation menu, click on Settings. Select Insert Headers and Footers from the Settings menu.

Step 5: Add the Live Chat Script

Create your account by signing up for Kommunicate. You can signup for free in Kommunicate. If you already have a Kommunicate account, log in to your account and go to the Install section and copy the script.

Insert the copied script in the Script in Footer section of the Header and Footer console.

Live chat is now active on your website. Open the website and check out the chat plugin. You will find it in the bottom-right corner.

Video tutorial: Add Live Chat to Wordpress


Step 1: Log in to your account and select your website

Visit Squarespace and login to your account. Under Website tab, click the website in which you want to add the live chat plugin.

Step 2: Open settings

Choose Settings from the left navigation panel.

Step 3: Open advanced settings

Next, navigate to the Website section and Click on Advanced to open advanced settings.

Step 4: Open code injection console

From the advanced settings menu, open Code Injection console.

Step 5: Insert your plugin script

Paste the copied javascript code the footer section.

To get Install script - go to the Install section and copy the script.

Click Save and you are good to go!


Step 1: Login to your Wix account

Login to your account and click on the My Sites.

Step 2: Select the site you want to integrate live chat in

Select your site and click on the Edit Site button.

Step 3: Open HTML iframe

After clicking on the edit site. Go to the left side panel and click on Add icon then move to the cursor on More link => Open add more tab => select the HTML iframe.

Step 4: Paste your JavaScript code

Click on Enter code. HTML iframe Popup box will open. Here in this box paste our JavaScript Install script you got from Kommunicate dashboard.

To get Install script - go to the Install section and copy the script.

Adjust the width and height of chat widget ⇒ Click Apply

(Recommended size: Width – 400 px & Height 600 px)

Now you are done with integrating live chat.

Step 5: Adjust chat widget position

In this step, you need to adjust the chat widget position and enable it to show in all pages.

Right-click on your chat widget ⇒ Enable show on all pages ⇒ Select pin Settings/pin to screen as shown in the screenshot below. Then you will get the option to adjust position and size.

Set position and size as per your convinience.

Its done ! You are good to go!

Steps to install Live chat plugin in the Wix website (Paid plan)

If you are using a paid plan, please follow the below steps to install Kommunicate live chat.

Note: In Wix paid plan, you can adjust chat widget size for both mobile and desktop versions.

Step 1: Login

1 . Login to Wix dashboard

  1. Choose your site ⇒ Settings ⇒ Tracking & Analytics

  2. Next, click on New Tool and Custom

  3. In the box, paste the install script you got from Kommunicate dashboard and also give the Name for your chat widget implementation as LiveChat so that it’ll display on all pages.

To get Install script - go to the Install section and copy the script.

  1. As a final step, select Body – end as the position for your LiveChat and click on Apply.

With these steps, you can integrate live-chat in your Wix websites.

Video tutorial: Integrate live chat plugin with Wix Website


Step 1: Get your live chat script

Open Kommunciate dashboard. Navigate to Install section under Settings, where you will get the live chat plugin script. Copy the script.

Step 2: Login to Shopify

Log in to your Shopify account. Click on Online Store.

Step 3: Click on Edit Code

Navigate to Themes section. Click on the action button and select the Edit Code.

Step 4: Paste the script

In the Edit Code section, go to the left side Edit Code for Debut panel and click on Sections. Open the footer. liquid section and paste the copied live-chat plugin script. Click on Save.

Step 5: Preview your changes

After saving click on Preview to see the changes. You will see the chat beacon on the bottom right corner.

Video tutorial: Add Live Chat Plugin to Shopify Website


Step 1: Log in to your Weebly account

Log in to your Weebly account and open your Weebly console.

Step 2: Open the Edit/Design section

Click on the “Edit Website” button or “Design your website” option; it will show all the website pages.

Step 3: Add Section

Locate the Add Section option and open it.

Step 4: Open the Embed Code Section

Locate the Embed Code section in your console and select the “Embed code” page section.

Step 5: Add Your Live Chat Script Here

Paste your Kommunicate live chat code snippet in the Embed code section, as shown in the image below.

To get Install script - go to the Install section and copy the script.

Step 6: Publish Your Website

Now navigate back to your Weebly console and click on Preview or Publish at the top of the panel. You will be able to see your chat widget there.

You can now view the Kommunicate live chat widget on your Weebly website, and this is how it is going to look:


Step 1: Log in to your GoDaddy account

Then click the My Products under the account user dropdown option at the top

Under the All Products and Services section, you can see the Websites section. Click Manage under your websites

Step 2: Add Website

Then Click Add Website or sometimes it will be Edit Website in the Website Builder and start editing

Step 3: Add Section

Now Click the PAGE section and select the page you want to add the Kommunicate live chat and then select the Add Section

Step 4: Choose HTML and click Add button

Step 5: Add livechat script

Now, paste your Kommunicate live chat code snippet in the Custom Code field

To get Install script - go to the Install section and copy the script.

After pasting the Custom Code field, you can specify a height for the chat widget iframe in the Forced Height section. Now, click Done at the top of the website builder panel

Click Preview or Publish at the top of the panel, you can now view the kommunicate live chat widget on your GoDaddy website


Step1: Login to your Joomla administrator panel

The Administrator interface can be opened by appending the word administrator to the URL of your Website or Server IP.

For example, Or

Step2: Select 'Templates'

Then, Go to “Extensions” and click “Templates” from the drop-down

Then select the required template for your site.

For example, Template – Beez3 Details and Files

Step 3: Click on the “index.php” file on the left side menu

Then, scroll to the bottom on the “index.php” file, you would be able to find

Last updated

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