
Chat Localization Setup

Modify the labels like "Start Conversation",etc by adding following labels in kommunicateSettings variable which is present in installation script of chat widget:

"labels": {
    'input.message': 'Type your message...',
    'conversations.title': 'Conversations',
    'start.new': 'Start New Conversation',
    'empty.messages': 'No messages yet!',
    'no.more.messages': 'No more messages!',
    'empty.conversations': 'No conversations yet!',
    'no.more.conversations': 'No more conversations!',
    'search.placeholder': 'Search...',
    'location.placeholder': 'Enter a location',
    'members.title': 'Members',
    'typing': 'typing...',
    'is.typing': 'is typing...',
    'online': 'Online',
    'offline': 'Offline',
    'clear.messages': 'Clear Messages',
    'delete': 'Delete',
    'reply': 'Reply',
    'location.share.title': 'Location Sharing',
    'my.location': 'My Location',
    'send': 'Send',
    'send.message': 'Send Message',
    'smiley': 'Emoji Picker',
    'close': 'Close',
    'edit': 'Edit',
    'save': 'Save',
    'file.attachment': 'Upload Attachment',
    'file.attach.title': 'Attach File',
    'last.seen': 'Last seen',
    'last.seen.on': 'Last seen on',
    'time.format.AM': 'AM',
    'time.format.PM': 'PM',
    'hour': ' hour',
    'min': ' min',
    'yesterday': 'yesterday',
    'hours': ' hours',
    'mins': ' mins',
    'ago': 'ago',
    'admin': 'Admin',
    'user': 'User',
    'member': 'Member',
    'you': 'You',
    'away': 'Away',
    'closed.conversation.message': 'This conversation has been marked as resolved. If you have other queries, just send a message here or start a new conversation.',
    'search.faq': 'Search in FAQs...',
    'looking.for.something.else': 'Looking for something else?',
    'no-faq-found': 'We are here to help.',
    'talk.to.agent': 'Talk to an agent',
    'how.to.reachout': 'How may we reach you?',
    'email.error.alert': 'It seems you have entered an invalid email',
    'conversation.rated': 'rated the conversation',
    'char.limit.warn': 'Keep your message within 256 characters to help the bot understand easily',
    'limit.remove': 'Remove',
    'limit.characters': 'characters',
    'limit.remaining': 'remaining',
    'lead.collection': {
        'email': 'Email',
        'name': 'Name',
        'phone': 'Contact Number',
        'title': 'Conversations',
        'heading': 'Before starting, we just need a few details so that we may serve you better',
        'submit': 'Start Conversation',
    'csat.rating': {
        'CONVERSATION_RATED': 'You rated the conversation',
        'RATE_CONVERSATION': 'Rate your conversation',
        'CONVERSATION_REVIEW_PLACEHOLDER': 'Add a comment…',
        'OTHER_QUERIES': 'Have other queries? ',
        'RESTART_CONVERSATION': 'Restart this conversation',
        'SUBMIT_RATING' : 'Submit your rating'
    'conversation.header.dropdown': {
        'CSAT_RATING_TEXT': 'Rate this conversation',
        'USER_OVERIDE_VOICE_OUTPUT_ON': 'Turn on text to speech',
        'USER_OVERIDE_VOICE_OUTPUT_OFF': 'Turn off text to speech',
    'page.title.on.new.message': 'New message from ',
    'emoji.hover.text': {
        'poor': 'Poor',
        'great': 'Great',
        'average': 'Average'
    'rich.message': {
        'notification.preview' : 'Message'
    'filter.conversation.list': {
        'ALL_CONVERSATIONS': 'All conversations',
        'ACTIVE_CONVERSATIONS': 'Active conversations',
        'HIDE_RESOLVED': 'Hide resolved',
        'SHOW_RESOLVED': 'Show resolved'
    'time.stamp': {
        'sec.ago': 'sec ago',
        'secs.ago': 'secs ago',
        'min.ago': 'min ago',
        'mins.ago': 'mins ago',
        'hr.ago': 'hr ago',
        'hrs.ago': 'hrs ago'
    'voice.output': {
        'location': {
            'init': 'A location has been shared with you.',
            'lat': 'Latitude is ',
            'lon': 'and Longitude is '

        'attachment': 'You have an attachment.'


This example will change the text for pre chat lead collection screen :-

Last updated

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