Web Troubleshooting
Bot or agent responses are not updating real time on chat widget
If you are not receiving replies from the bot or the agent in the chat widget, then it might be due to one of the following reasons:
HTML file is opened on the browser from the file system directly. Real time updates require websocket, due to cross origin security policy, websocket doesn't work when html file is opened directly from the file system.
This error can be verified by looking into the browser's console. Check if there are any errors similar to the following:
To resolve it, serve the html page through the web server such as Apache, Jekyll, Tomcat, Python, Node etc.
Verify if you are running it within a firewall network. Kommunicate uses port 443 for establishing a websocket connection. If your network has blocked websocket protocol or port 443, then Kommunicate web plugin will not be able to establish websocket connection with Kommunicate's MQTT based real time update service.
This error can be verified by looking into the browser's console. Check if there are any errors similar to the following:
To resolve it, check with your network team for allowing websocket protocol and port 443.
If bot configured through dialogflow is not responding, then verify if the service account private key file uploaded to Kommunicate is correct.
Conversations are getting assigned to human agent instead of bot
Verify if you have configured 'Bot Routing Rules' from Settings -> Conversation Rules
Select the respective bot to answer queries under "Routing rules for bots".
If you have recently modified the 'Bot Routing Rules' then test the new behavior initiating new conversations. Please note that new changes will not be reflected on already created conversations.
Every time when a user navigates to different webpages, a new user with a new conversation gets created
If the option "Remove chat session history on page refresh" from Settings -> CHAT WIDGET -> Customization is selected then on every page load, a new user will be created. It’s irrespective of the page, where the webiste is getting reloaded when the user navigate.
To resolve this issue, uncheck the option "Remove chat session history on page refresh" and proceed with "Remove chat widget after a set period time"
Chat widget is not optimized for mobile view
Check if you have added the viewport tag to your website.
The tag sets the width of the page to follow the screen-width of the device (which will vary on every device)
You can copy the following snippet and paste it in the tag of your website to make the chat widget responsive.
If none of the above helps, drop us a mail at support@kommunicate.io
Last updated
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